TWCCC ★ Texas - Wisconsin - California Control Consortium

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Texas-Wisconsin Model and Control Consortium (TWMCC)

Hosted by
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712

February 10 – 11, 2003
ACES Building – Room 6.304
24th and Speedway

Monday, February 10, 2003
ACES Building -Room 6.304

8:30 a.m.  Coffee and Donuts  
9:00  Introduction/Review of Agenda/
 10 year Retrospective of TWMCC
 T. Edgar
 9:15  PI Overviews  T. Edgar
 J. Qin
 J. Rawlings
 10:00  OptQuest/NLP: New Multistart Global Optimization Software for MINLP Problems  L. Lasdon
 10:30  Break  
 11:00  Large-scale MPC  A. Venkat
 11:30  Lunch – O's dining room  
 1:00 p.m.  Process Control at Mitsubishi  M. Ogawa / H. Douke
 2:00 Discussion Group Breakouts
(state estimation, process monitoring)
 J. Rawlings
 J. Qin
 2:45  Break  
 3:00  TICAM Overview  T. Oden
 3:30  Control of Electrical Properties of Semiconductors  R. Good
 4:00  Poster Session  
 5:30  Adjourn  
 6:30  Mixer/dinner – County Line on the Lake, 5204 FM 2222

 Poster Session

 University of Texas - Austin
PCA Analysis of Etcher Data for Fault Detection  B. Bregenzer
Diagnostic Modeling of Plasma Etching  K. Chamness
Semiconductor Batch Process Monitoring Using Multiblock PCA  G. Cherry
Combined Real-time and Run-to-run Control Technique with Independent Tuning  I. Chin
The Control of Electrical Properties of Semiconductors  R. Good
Obtaining and Using Qualitative Information about Process Optima  E. Hale
Multi-Step Supervisory Control of Flash Memory Device Production Via a simple First-Principles Model  C. Harrison
Benchmarking Performance for Run to Run Controller Selection  S. Harrison
Computationally Efficient Modeling of Wafer Temperatures in an LPCVD Furnace  P. He
Reactive Distillation Modeling  S. Lextrait
Faulty Sensors Diagnosis with Optimal Structured Residuals  W. Lin
Benchmarking Performance for Run to Run Controller Selection  L. Rueda
Embedded Large scale MPC Software Development  D. Thiele
EWMA, Kalman Filter and Recursive Least Squares - relationships and modifications  J. Wang
 University of Wisconsin - Madison
Communication - Based Decentralized MPC  A. Venkat

Tuesday, February 11, 2003
ACES Building -Room 6.304

 8:15 a.m.  Continental breakfast – Meeting with PI's and Sponsors
 9:00  Optimal Sensor Selection  K. Muske
 9:30  Reactive Distillation Modeling  S. Lextrait
 10:00  Pilot Plant Testing of Reactive Distillation  L. Rueda
 10:15   Break  
 10:30  Dynamic Models of Human Disease:  What Are They and Why Are They Important?  J. Bosley
 11:00  Computationally Efficient Modeling of Wafer Temperatures in a LPCVD Furnace  P. He
 11:20 EWMA, Kalman Filtering, and Recursive Least Squares - Relationships and Modifications  J. Wang
 11:45  Wrap Up  
 12:00  Adjourn