TWCCC ★ Texas - Wisconsin - California Control Consortium

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Hosted by
Department of Chemical Engineering
The University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712

February 27-28, 2017
Peter O'Donnel Building (POB) - Room 2.402

Attendee List

Monday, February 27, 2017

1:30 p.m. Introduction/Agenda Overview  M. Baldea, UT
1:35 PI Overviews T. Edgar (UT)
M. Baldea (UT)
J. Rawlings (UW)
V. Zavala (UW)
J. Qin (USC)
2:45 Break  
2:55 Dealing with Process Faults in Moving Horizon Rescheduling R. Pattison (UT)
3:20 MPC Plant-model Mismatch Estimation with State Space Models J. Simkoff (UT)
3:40 Industry Talk: First-principles Modelling for Process Optimization and Control – Latest Developments and Trends Pieter Schmal
Process Systems Enterprise
4:35 Break  
4:40 Minimum Variance ALS Estimation: How Noisy are Your Noises? T. Arnold (UW)
5:00 Poster Session  
6:00 Adjourn  
6:30 Dinner County Line on the Lake—5204 F.M. 2222  

Poster Session


Poster Title

R. Pattison (UT) Dealing with Process Faults in Moving Horizon Rescheduling
H. Ganesh (UT) Multi-Scale Modeling and Model Predictive Control of an Austenitization Furnace
R. Wang (UT) Fault Detection for Cyclical Processes
J. Simkoff (UT) MPC Plant-model Mismatch Estimation with State-Space Models
A. Ondeck (UT) Simultaneous Optimization of Design and Operation Strategies for Energy Systems
C. James (UT) Optimization and Control of Water Resources on U.S. Military Bases
C. Tsay (UT) Multi-Scale, Multi-Resolution Modeling and Design Optimization of Process Systems
M. Kelley (UT) Identify-then-optimize Approach for (Mixed-integer) Dynamic Optimization
L. Yan (UT) A Two-phenomena Model for Dynamic Process Intensification
T. Abdulla (UT) Inferential Control of a Bach Distillation Column using Neural Network-Based Soft Sensor
J. Otashu (UT) Evaluation of Battery Storage Capacity of Process Industries & Engagement in Short-term Electricity Markets
Q. Zhu (USC) Concurrent Quality-relevant Fault Detection of Nonlinear and Dynamic Processes Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis
T. Arnold (UW) Minimum Variance ALS Estimation: How Noisy are Your Noises?
V. Zavala (UW) Stochastic Model Predictive Control of Battery Systems


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

8:00 a.m. Meeting with PI’s and Sponsors – Continental Breakfast  
9:00 Visualization and Fault Detection in Periodic Processes R. Wang (UT)
9:30 Industry Talk:Smart Manufacturing at Corning Inc.: Motivations and Challenges Jeff Ahrens
10:30 Break  
10:40 Concurrent Quality-relevant Fault Detection of Nonlinear and Dynamic Processes Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis Q. Zhu (USC)
11:00 Multi-scale Modeling and Model Predictive Control of an Austenitization Furnace H. Ganesh (UT)
11:30 Exploiting Dynamic Flexibility in Concentrated Solar Power Plants A. Dowling (UW)
11:50 Lunch: O's Dining Room POB 2.222  
1:00 p.m. Academic Lecture: Control Challenges in Additive Manufacturing Joe Beaman (UT)
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
2:00 Tour of 3D Printing Center  
2:50 Optimization and Control of Water Resources on U.S. Military Bases C. James (UT)
3:20 Break  
3:30 Simultaneous Optimization of Design and Operation Strategies for Energy Systems A. Ondeck (UT)
4:00 Inferential Control of a Bach Distillation Column using Neural Network-Based Soft Sensor T. Abdulla (UT)
4:20 Closing Remarks M. Baldea (UT)